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The importance of your brand as a family law firm

Attorney meeting at a table with a couple

Branding is critical for all attorneys, but there are few practice areas where that is truer than family law. Family law attorneys work with clients at difficult, emotionally charged, and deeply personal times in their lives. Like any legal client, family law consumers need legal guidance and strategy. Above all, they need to feel that their attorney is someone with whom they can make an interpersonal connection. 

Effectively marketing your legal practice to family law clients involves crafting a brand that genuinely reflects the values and services of your firm. Additionally, understanding the unique needs of family law clients is crucial in positioning yourself as the attorney they choose to represent them. 

Here are three strategies to help bring your family law’s brand to life:

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 Strike a delicate tone with your brand messaging

 Keep your brand messaging consistent online

 Talk about your track record

1. Strike a delicate tone with your brand messaging

Many people who have gone through a family law dispute often find the experience draining. While it is an attorney’s ethical duty to vigorously defend clients' interests, it is equally important to communicate your compassionate approach. Find the balance in your brand messaging by conveying both the supportive and assertive aspects of your services.  

For example, think about the impression you want to leave on potential clients who are visiting your firm’s website. Aim to create a welcoming atmosphere that communicates understanding, empathy, and strong advocacy with phrases like: 

  • “Taking an emotionally intelligent approach to guiding family law clients toward brighter tomorrows”  
  • “Steadfastly representing clients during trying times”  

2. Keep your brand messaging consistent online

When you land on an appropriate message for your family law firm, that message should infuse every aspect of your brand – and it needs to be consistent. Consider the following strategies to highlight your brand online: 

  • Regularly publishing blogs: Blogs not only demonstrate your expertise in specific areas of family law but also help potential clients determine if your firm meets their needs. 
  • Showcasing client testimonials: FindLaw research shows that 86% of legal consumers consider an attorney’s reputation as a top hiring factor. Feature testimonials from previous clients on your website and paid ads to illustrate the trust and satisfaction that potential clients are seeking. 
  • Creating short videos: In an era where most consumers get their information online, utilizing social media to share brief, engaging videos can create instant connections. This approach makes potential clients feel as though you are directly communicating with them, which is crucial for building trust.
Digital marketing strategies for law firms: Unlocking the power of your brand to attract clients

Leveraging your law firm’s brand through digital marketing strategies is essential for targeting and attracting your ideal client base. Watch our branding webcast to learn more.

3. Talk about your track record

Many family law clients want an experienced hand to guide them. Therefore, it’s a good idea to talk about the past clients you’ve helped to reassure you are committed to achieving the best results possible. 

Consider sharing examples of how you've successfully assisted past clients. For instance: 

  • “Our firm has helped hundreds of clients bring their relationships to a fair and civilized close.” 
  • “I have worked with dozens of parents help resolve difficult custody issues.”  

Additionally, if you have a particular niche within family law, this would be a beneficial time to mention it:  

  • “We’ve helped numerous parents of special-needs children when custody issues arise.” 
  • “Our family law attorneys are dedicated to guiding families through the adoption process with compassion and commitment.” 

Ultimately, the most important thing for family law attorneys to know is that their clients need an ally as much as they need legal counsel. If you can show and tell them that you can provide the right support, they’ll be more apt to choose you as their attorney. 

For a more in-depth discussion of law firm branding, download our brand building guide for small law firms below. If you’re ready to get in front of potential family law clients today, browse FindLaw’s legal directory advertising network. 

Brand building for small law firms: Key strategies for success

Legal branding requires taking time to define your firm’s attributes, including what makes your firm stand out from competitors in your area and helping consumers learn what it’s like to work with you.

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