The law school outline, that hallowed parchment for law students, is the ultimate prize, especially for first year students. Just holding an outline in your hand, with the knowledge that it exists and is in your possession, is sometimes enough to ease some of your anxiety. But what makes for a good outline, and which outlines are the most helpful come exam time? The Law School Outlines and Exam Banks section of FindLaw for Law Students answers these questions and much more. It not only provides you with an overview of various outlines but also with sample outlines and exams, critical study aids as you prepare for finals.
Law School Outlines and Exam Banks
Law School Outlines and Exam Banks Articles
Law School Practice Exams
Want to know what your professors will be looking for on their finals? One way to do that is by reviewing their actual past exams and practice exams. Not only will these resources prepare you for your finals, but they will also help you to understand materials and concepts throughout a course.
Law School Commercial Outlines
There you are, sitting for your very first law school exam. Thankfully, you have an outline for this class, but does it cover what will be on that exam? Law school outlines can sometimes be the key to success during your first year, so it's no surprise that companies market ready-made commercial outlines for law students. This article will provide you with an overview of these commercial outlines as well as tips for using them to your advantage.
Outlines and Exams by Subject: 3L and Electives
The third year of law school is much less highly structured than the first or second years. The following article provides an overview of resources for outlines and practice exams for 3L courses and popular elective classes.
Outlines and Exams by Subject: 2L
The second year of law school allows a bit more flexibility than the first in choosing courses. But there is a downside to freedom; more choices mean that it can be harder to find high-quality study aids that can help you succeed. The following article highlights some sources for 2L outlines and exams.
Outlines and Exams by Subject: 1L
The first year of law school is likely to be the most challenging year in your academic life. The following article provides some guidance regarding 1L subjects and where to find the outlines and practice exams that can help you stand out from the crowd.
2L Outlines
Outlines were almost certainly an important part of your 1L experience. Although it may be tempting to drop the hassle of preparing them as you enter into your second year, 2L outlines are even more useful and important. Read on to learn why.
1L Outlines
One of the great challenges of law school involves condensing and organizing the massive amount of material covered by your classes. A good comprehensive outline can make an enormous difference in your ability to meet your educational goals.
One of the great challenges of law school involves condensing and organizing the massive amount of material covered by your classes to allow for more effective studying. A good comprehensive outline can make an enormous difference in your ability to meet your educational goals, particularly in your first year as a law student. - See more at: of the great challenges of law school involves condensing and organizing the massive amount of material covered by your classes to allow for more effective studying. A good comprehensive outline can make an enormous difference in your ability to meet your educational goals, particularly in your first year as a law student. - See more at: