Top 10 Legally Weird Stories of 2014

Whether the world is actually getting weirder or we're just more aware of the odd things that people do these days, one thing is for sure: People do a lot of strange stuff.
Often, these off-the-wall events have legal consequences. In 2014 there was certainly no shortage of legally weird occurrences. And since the name of this blog is Legally Weird, we went ahead and wrote about them.
So without further ado, here are our 10 most popular Legally Weird blog posts of 2014. Prepare to get weird:
- 'Viral' Lamborghini Poop Prank Ends in Taser Attack -- In a suspiciously shocking video, a pair of Czech YouTube pranksters pulled a plastic poop stunt on a Lamborghini owner who turned out to be armed with a Taser. One of the men was tased by the car owner, with the whole thing being captured on video.
- Patient Sues Doctors for Making Fun of Him During Colonoscopy -- The doctors performing a Virginia man's colonoscopy added insult to injury when they allegedly made fun of the man while administering anesthesia. The patient captured the joking on a phone recording and sued for defamation.
- Ex-Cop Busted for Hidden-Camera Bathroom Videos on Porn Site -- A Missouri police officer was fired from his job and faced criminal invasion of privacy charges after allegedly recording men using the bathroom with a hidden camera. The videos of the men using the gas station bathroom were reportedly posted on a website operated by the police officer himself.
- 'Early Bird' Food Fight at Golden Corral: 1 Senior Arrested -- The "early bird" dinner crowd at a North Carolina buffet restaurant got rowdy one night when a senior citizen food fight broke out. A 64-year old woman was charged with assault and battery for allegedly attacking two other older women.
- Med Student Auctions Her Virginity: Is This Legal? -- The bidding war for a 27-year-old medical student's virginity reached over $300,000 but also raised a number of legal questions.
- Grandma Gets 6 Months in Jail for Public Sex in Retirement Village -- A slightly more experienced woman from Florida was arrested for having sex in public. The 68-year-old grandmother accepted a plea deal for six months in jail for the public tryst with a younger man, who also happened to not be her husband of 50 years.
- Alleged Sexual Assault of Cows Caught on Video; 2 Arrested -- A New York farmer solved the mystery of why his cows seemed anxious when he caught two men in his barn on surveillance video. The video showed one of the men filming the other allegedly sexually assaulting the cows, and both were arrested.
- Text Message Breakup Costs Man $53K Engagement Ring -- A New York man paid a stiff price for breaking off his engagement via text message when a judge ruled that he could not recover the $53,000 engagement ring he'd given his former fiance.
- A Different Kind of 'Revenge Porn': Val Midwest Jailed for School Pics -- A porn star was sentenced to 45 days in jail after sneaking into her old Catholic high school and taking photos of herself masturbating on the football field.
- Penis Tattoo 'Sext' Message Appeal: Court Sides With Sender -- A Georgia man with "STRONG E nuf 4 A MAN BUT Made 4 A WOMAN" tattooed on his penis was cleared of criminal indecency charges. The Georgia Supreme Court ruled that a photo of the man's penis sent to a woman via text message was not covered by the state's obscenity statute.
We'll see if 2015 can get weirder than that.
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Related Resources:
- FindLaw's Top 10 Consumer Blog Posts for 2014 (FindLaw's Insider)
- Top 10 Legally Weird Stories of 2013 (FindLaw's Legally Weird)
- Top 10 Legally Weird Stories of 2012 (FindLaw's Legally Weird)
- The 5 Most Outrageous Lawsuits of 2011 (FindLaw's Legally Weird)