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Nebraska Voting Guide

Welcome to FindLaw's Nebraska Voter Guide. Here, we will answer your questions about election information, voter registration, and early voting. We will also explain how to find your polling place, what to bring to the polls, and what to do if you see illegal activity at the voting locations.

If you’ve never voted before or are new to Nebraska, there are things you should know. Every state has distinct voting laws and rules come election day. Before heading to the polling places, you want to become familiar with this information.

Some of the questions voters in Nebraska have include:

  • Do I qualify for early voting?
  • How can I request early voting?
  • Can I register to vote online?
  • Does the Nebraska government provide election information?

This Nebraska Voter Guide will help answer questions about Nebraska elections and voting in your state.

Eligibility for Voting in Nebraska

The Nebraska legislature dictates that all voters be U.S. citizens over 18. You must also be a resident of Nebraska and the county where you register. People who are 17 can register to vote as long as they are 18 before the general election.

You cannot vote if you are currently in prison on a felony charge or if it’s been less than two years since you completed your sentence. This includes parole or probation.

If the court finds you mentally incompetent, you are not eligible to vote in Nebraska.

You can check your voter registration status here.



Where Do I Vote?

Unless you qualify for an early mail-in ballot, you must vote in person at your assigned polling location. To find out where your polling place is, go to Votercheck. Polling places are open between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. central time.

How To Register in Nebraska

There are several ways to register to vote in Nebraska. This includes registering:


Using NEReg2Vote, available 24/7 and accessible by computer and mobile device.

In Person

At your county election official's office. You can find the location of your election official's office here.

At the DMV

At a state Department of Motor Vehicles when getting or renewing your driver's license.

By Mail

Download the voter registration form and mail it to your election official's office.

Nebraska Voting Resources

Your vote counts. Take the time to learn how and when to vote.


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