Legal consumers who face issues such as divorce, bankruptcy, or business disputes want options and need answers. They need you and your legal knowledge. How can you make sure such consumers find you and feel confident that your firm can help resolve their legal problem?
Adding your firm’s listing to is one of the most efficient and effective ways to connect with legal consumers in need. Below, we discuss three key benefits you can enjoy setting up a profile for your firm on the directory.
Make a quick connection
When issues arise that affect peoples’ families, finances, and futures, they need help — and they know they need it quickly. When trying to resolve the problems they face, legal consumers often feel stressed and overwhelmed. Many turn to the internet for help, only to discover how difficult it can be to distinguish reputable attorneys from those who may be less experienced and simply interested in increasing their profit margins.
The directory provides a virtual one-stop shop where legal consumers can quickly learn about and connect with your firm. As the most visited legal information website, is well-regarded by search engines, meaning your listing will get in front of more people who are searching for the kind of help you provide. In other words, it isn’t going in front of just anyone — it’s appearing before the kind of consumer most likely to hire you.
Showcase your talents
In the competitive legal landscape, it can be difficult to get the attention of legal consumers, much less find a way to distinguish your firm from competitors. A listing on the directory makes both easier.
Firms can tailor their listings to include both basic information such as addresses, hours of operation, and contact information, as well as more detailed and firm-specific information including:
- What makes your practice different
- How you treat clients
- Links to your social media channels
Individual attorneys and law firms can also highlight their honors and awards and include client testimonials and reviews. The ability to showcase these attributes in an accessible format is key, as legal consumers are often under pressure and seeking a quick and easy way to learn about and compare their options.
It’s easy to set up
Adding your firm’s listing to the legal directory is simple, quick, and straightforward. You can include as much or as little information as you want to display and instantly start reaping the benefits of having your listing on a website that is frequently sought out by legal consumers who are researching issues that relate specifically to your practice.
You can build out your profile over time to include more detailed and comprehensive information. Additionally, if you add or remove a practice area from your firm’s offerings, you can quickly update or amend your listing to reflect changes in your practice.
Expand your firm’s visibility today
Every day, people research their legal issues online and hope to find an attorney. Get their attention with a listing on the directory, then learn more about how legal directories can enhance your legal practice.